Invincible Divorcée


Too powerful to be defeated or overcome!

Claim the power to thrive during your break-up or divorce!


Order the Invincible Divorcée Home Study Course

Lesson 1

Powerful or Powerless

In any situation, someone is always the aggressor and someone is always tolerating the aggression, whether they are aware of it or not. Being invincible means – “too powerful to be overcome!” It’s a state of mind you can easily develop with the right tools.

Lesson 2

Clear Your Mind Clutter to Conquer Overwhelm

Discover the most often overlooked step that will stop overwhelm from wearing you out, and give you back your balance, confidence and composure. It’s easier than you think.

Lesson 3

The Immense Power of Change

This is a new opportunity to change your life. You have the power to say “this is not how my story ends!” You don’t have to ask permission – take it! own it! You have the power to rewrite your future.

Lesson 4

Disable the Guilt Reflex

There is one emotion, above all others, that causes us to act as others want us to act. It’s a learned response and until it’s disabled, you’ll always be susceptible to the influences of others to your own detriment and against your own best interests. Discover the secret to eliminating unwarranted guilt.

Lesson 5

A New Way Forward

I love the quote from Don Henley … “Sometimes you get the best light from a burning bridge!” So, use this bright light to illuminate your new path forward and review what you can do right now to become invincible.

I want to invite you to something very special.

I’m hosting a FREE webinar training for WOMEN ONLY.

I’m going to disclose to you the process I successfully take my clients through to develop their invincible mindset, so you too will know how to be empowered, self-assured, and at peace as you go through your divorce or break up and beyond.

You’ll be surprised at how quickly your perspective will change, and if you apply these strategies you will dramatically improve your results.

No charge — it’s my gift and please share with your female friends.


Want to Know More?

With over 25 years in private practice working with a wide variety of people with a broad range of issues, I’ve learned the truth of what makes the highest impact in the shortest amount of time, especially for women going through a break up or divorce and I’m ready to share it with you!

There are three secrets in particular I’ve found to have a profound effect on a woman’s confidence and ability to stay composed, giving them a huge advantage during their divorce or break up. The leverage they gained gave them a significant advantage in mediation and in one on one negotiations to get the best outcome they could in the divorce.

These secrets can give you a feeling of confidence and security about your future.

It is ONLY in this WOMEN ONLY private training where I divulge these insights.


A Message From Robert:

I’ve been told that if I say something is going to be hard, or take discipline, that women won’t do it and they won’t follow my program. I don’t agree. I think women are tougher and have more tenacity then anyone gives them credit for. So, I’m going tell you that this program takes a little self-discipline and may take a little time to really get it going, but remember – the longer you procrastinate or avoid doing something, the more painful (in your head) it becomes. However, once you take action, the discomfort is far less severe than you imagined. When you feel the changes in your attitude – in your physical body, you’ll be so excited nobody will ever have to tell you again what you need to do to take control of your life – you will truly be an Invincible Woman!